Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Online Combination Lock

not need to put it in Klaro what I think and what k k ia kiero enough nonsense to walk x pure pen doing life %$&"/(@!!! is well into adolescence and I'm not very mature but say k kiero not be this ball of io nel lot so I'm not like that and not be so kiero0!, but must first be apart what I kiero k and kreo io! art ia me to be that person k is allowed to trample x kuanto Garbage is placed in front and now if you know anything about men kiero absolutely nothing!: S but another part of me if they want and do not care!: S k p2 x konmigo that kiero put my thoughts Klaro analyze deeply to sakar a large k Konklusion evolucio0nar should help me improve my way of seeing life and my art of my mood swings! yesterday was arta de tod iaor was ia arta world of my fat and etc in my arta konklusio0n was my fisiko! if ai is horrible sometimes I accept myself and others I can not see me the mirror! what is k k chok me the makillaje not do miracles but weno k ia do not! k simplemnt now I have to think and reflect on what k kiero0 mushi! and remote area ia pa k knew everything and I go and is going to piss in the last Eskuela kien know if there will be k made a load of enthusiasm and I left kick! administrative and io kreo k I have no hate biologikas hair and if I go out so bad administrative less accurate just me keda pa humanities! and IO0 lawyer? nel k me kae komo single translator or secretary or pa is not that no longer serve or to sirvo0 k! I have only my signifikado enkontrarme k!! k and my utility I have one if I have not a best would die! kiero0 transcend time kiero0 not be forgettable kiero0 be unforgettable! AND I WOULD ARRIVE!

* ok, yesterday I told a friend k k felt or saw him, and I really pull it .. k pero0 ERA is my best friend and I had to k, only k at least not olvidado0 aunk me has tried but I like that vdd no kiero k Rekorder hurt so that's not weno0 k! that the negative side and positivo0 is kosa k! akuerda as sikiera is what we live aunk k kiera failure yesterday
* ok pass me honest and told a friend K had some attraction to the taste is not if the same k attraction? but there really is something in the k attracts me and makes me want to kiss him and chance and a kosa (....) but from there on another kosa juera not bad is k has a girlfriend and have tiempo0!, what is k weno my amigo0! todo0 spite of that!
* I like another friend, but the k kon anything, xq is raro0 ak I do not mean to be gay if ia kien is not, nor is sometimes pure and sometimes it is no0 koketeria is no komo call it, weno step is k is k kon the good times, bad is k scares me.
* people do not give ke kuenta what happened to me at times is nice, but time is horrible xq brim nobody acerka are going to wonder komo ia kosas're right or give me your support! by k I need pork'm not perfekt and it hurts me to face all this!
* respekt kon a chavez no komentarios, entirely forgotten issue is not so one chingo0 kiero0! but nelia nothing, I hope not luewo Kambia of opinion, what is k weno we kuando friends and is there anything I need and no more kon kon words but actions, the trouble is nothing is komo k ia before!

has kambiado0
ours! Kuester aceptarlo0 trabajo0! io komprendeme pero0 I can not be perfekt komo am a human being and I feel others! k means k so if I have to forget it's normal not fool yourself and maybe I tampoko, for while I'm telling you you kiero0

my life is not boring! espero0 it! xD


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