Thursday, February 10, 2011
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В центре праздничного зала,
Будто свечка по тебе,
Эта женщина стояла.
Встала - и белым-бела,
Разом руки уронила.
Значит, все-таки была,
Значит, все-таки любила.
Друг мой, вот вам старый плед,
Друг мой, вот вам чаша с пуншем.
Пушкин, вам за тридцать лет. Вы совсем мальчишка
, Пушкин!
Тает желтый воск свечи,
Стынет крепкий чай в стакане ...
Где-то там
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У нас Кавказ идет,
гражданка война = У нас на Кавказе идет гражданская война Говорить,
что вот не пяти русской земли = Говорить, что вот "ни пяди русской земли "
А потом вот меня родня спрашивает - а с чего это ты так седеешь стремительно. Приходится врать, что из-за командировок ...
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Но вот такие авторы как какая-то Радулова, скажем. Это ж даже не Капитан Очевидность, а К.О. Ultra-light
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у автора. Или еще один феерический "кудрявый домашний олень" ™ Арвадобейся "™ ...
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I think a lot of my dear friends know That I am big football (soccer) fan and I Would not miss watching Philippine Football Team to play for the qualifier Against Mongolia. I Have Been praying for a long time That's Filipino Should Consider football over basketball Because the chances of winning and going to the international arena is even higher. Filipino's height, stamina, endurance, and the heat and harsh weather condition in this country is fit for the sport. We Need More Exposure, support from Government and Other Sectors to build more private playing fields and Encourage everyone to get Into the game. I Also Believe That football boost tourism, Economic standard, and reunite people of all classes and background to Be as ONE. So, next time when to Filipino's Shout
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
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Мы выпили последнюю и разошлись. На следующее утро поляки улетели, ну а мы отправились писать будничную каирскую жизнь. Что нам, замечу, удалось.
Friday, February 4, 2011
How Long Will Shoulder Pain Last After Surgery Egypt t.d.
К площади Тахрир подтянули дополнительно армейскую пехоту, танки и полицейский спецназ.
PS А речка Нил на удивление симпатичная, Темза скажем та же менее авантажно выглядит :-)) PPS
Ну и Интернет тут пашет через пень-колоду.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Southwest Airlines Atlanta H Hello February!
Reminiscing on some good old music from 90's Especially Those Who Performed for MTV Unplugged - Stone Temple Pilots (coming March 9 in the Philippines), The Corrs - Runaway, Jodeci - Lately Their unplugged version of Jay-Z, Alice in Chains, Nirvana, Pearl Jam - Black, and the one I miss the MOST is Bjork (I Wonder What Happened to her??)
Here's her song "It's Oh So Quiet" (Which I Personally love and fits my mood.:))
BJORK - It's Oh So Quiet
"It's Oh So Quiet"
it's. oh. it'a
oh so quiet.
're still so all alone and so peaceful
Until ...
you fal
Monday, January 31, 2011
Pregnant Muscle Spasms In Stomach Too much silence ...
Too much silence
When Too much silence in the middle of the walls,
Punishment is my defense
Too much silence
To be sure
Whether it is love Too much silence dance
For a simple injury,
is the advancing night
How long does it take
To really know? How long does it
To forget love? How many beatings
For shots that are given
Should we be disappointed
To make a man cry?
Too much silence ...
Because another has come to the
When you think
For too
believing That love is immense
Too much silence
Because you no longer want,
is the advancing night
How does it For the time
really know? How long does it
To forget love? How many beatings
For shots that are given
Should we be disappointed
To make a man cry? How
To know nothing
When our habits
Only Hope
And what we lived,
May God forgive you
It was you who wanted,
You make a man cry
It's me,
Even if you do not recognize myself
Tu vois,
L'amour passe, il ne passe pas
pour moi et ceux qui
Avant moi ont pour une femme
Ont-ils vraiment aimé Comme je
be months larmes Et ceux qui ont
De pitié l'amour que je donne pas
N'auront merit
De voir un homme pleurer
Combien de temps faut-il
Pour le savoir vraiment?
Combien faut-il oublier jours
Pour l'amour? Combi
Pour les coups coups refusal que l'on donne
Faut-il être faire pleurer Déçu
Pour un homme? Trop
of silence ...
Слишком много молчания
Слишком долгое молчание. В эт
because there would be another,
better than I do.
When I think about it,
I understand that it was too -
believe that love is immeasurable.
too long silence,
Because you no longer wish ...
Night is approaching.
How much time,
To know for sure?
How many days,
To forget love?
How many blows I received
And how much paid?
Do disappointment,
ToMLXC loved whether they are really so,
As I shed tears?
And those who take pity
over my love,
not deserve to see,
As a man crying.
How much time,
To know for sure?
How many days,
To forget love?
How many blows I received
And how much paid?
Do disappointment,
To make a man cry?
Too much silence ...
Bmx Good Color Combos Премьер и дублер
"Tatoue-moi" Нуно Резенде:
"Tatoue-moi" Микеланджело Локонте:
"Place je passe" Нуно Резенде:
"Place je passe" Микеланджело Локонте:
"Le trublion "Нуно Резенде:
" Le trublion "Микеланджело Локонте:
И напоследок - моя любимая," Je dors sur des roses "
Уфф ...)))
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А еще - он, этот голос и этот человек, очень живой, теплый, яркий, солнечный, агрессивно жизнерадостный ... в общем, я его люблю!)))
90 лет со дня рождения Марио Ланца.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Free Coolest Techdeck Live Games "Conversation in Residence
L. (Л.) - Lorca (Лорка) D. (Д.) - Dali (Дали)
Испанский вариант:
B. Magnifica late! Some time ago I missed the rain. I'm glad (of) being carried.
L. You
emocionáis you with anything. Sometimes it is are the lilies in the canal, others the moonlight.
D. You guys are unworthy sons
1923. You have not taken anything from us or been under the wings of airplanes. And yet you dare to name you lead people. Not know that the engine explosion sound better than heroic verse. I'm going. I'm with your contact right away because I have myto obsession, it is our joy. We ... idiocy we've raised almost lyrical category. We have come to the lyric of human stupidity. Hey! What if I get to see your entire Oda?
Oh Salvador Dalí olive voice!
not praise your halting adolescent brush or your color
round the color of your time,
but laud your longing for eternity with limits.
D. Cadaqués Verses! I do not understand all the things you say about my paintings. But keep the Seguridata that you think the only actual genius. You know. Despite the donkey that I am at how little literature lame
muelto you left me. Muelto, muelto!
B. Dear friend Pepin. Dalí influenciadísimo by Garcia Lorca. It creates a genius imbued with the love he Federico processes. You must come here to Paris, and remake of the disastrous influence of Garcia.
soon, your friend Luis Buñuel.
Hey, Pepin! Dalí is lagging behind. Federico's fault.
But above all
sing a common thought that joins us in the dark and golden hours.
D. I see your every cited. Hopefully. Your shoe, you ... your suitcase. Write me a lot. Every day. Or every two days.
townn you. Pepin
Pepín I received a letter from Frederick and his acolyte, Dalí. It has enslaved.
L. and D.
Pepin, Pepin! What? What is this? Are you upset? Did you know? This is not done with a person like me. Come on, Pepin. Write me soon. Tell me many things. Vamos!
and are excited day by day the edges are like waves and waves (waves) that are like the edges. One day the moon ...
One day the moon will wet (wet look) elasticity of wet fish, and the tower of the church ranging from soft rubber on the houses of lime or chewed bread.
Cadaqués, Cadaqués ... Enough of Cadaqués!
Dear Federico, excessive depth could be worse. It could be a trance. Why do not want anything so with irony? See clearly but Incolore. That is an irony. Paint all the waves of the sea! I, nor anything I like that I like enormously. Ecstasy is a danger to the intelligence. And run away from things that I might ecstasy.
At seven o'clock in the afternoon when I finish painting, I'll take my lesson from Charleston. To avoid having to contemplate the unbearable spectacle of the sunset. The charleston dance is thrilled as well impoverished spirit. Ah, well I feel! About not having to feel the anguish of being immersed in nature. Or in the confusing, incomprehensible. It is now clear where art begins and where naturism.
I have to explain the Holy Objectivity now calls theXC I love you. Someday we shall meet again. How well spend! I go to my pictures of my heart.
The moon came to the forge with his stowaway
The boy look, look. The boy is watching.
In the shaken air the moon moves her arms
, and shows lubricious and pure, her breasts of hard tin.
"Moon, moon, moon! ..
... I can feel their horses. The rider approached
drumming plain. Inside the forge the child's eyes are closed .tions of the rider. have to leave things free of preconceived ideas and conventions with which the intelligence you want to submit. Ugly, pretty - they are two words that no longer make sense.
Horror - that's another thing. I have drunk death on your back. I tell you the day you lose your fear of shit in juanramon, in Salinas, and so on., That day you leave the rhyme, art understand just how rotten swine! That day you do fun things, horrific, poetic, and no poet has done.
Bye. This winter I invite you to launch into space. I'm at. Post data. You're a storm and you need my Christian paganism. Last season in Madrid surrendered yourself to what you should not have entRegart ever.
Dear Anne.
If I have not written before was not my fault, but because of my days a bit silly of Madrid. May not show signs of life but my intensity does not change ... Besides, I never forget. I think Cadaqués. I think an eternal landscape and current, but perfect. The horizon rises like a great aqueduct built. Silver fish come out to the moon and you mojaras braids in the water when the song comes and goes stutterer canoes gasoline. Then come the evening and no longer anyone. My memory is seated in a chair. I remember as Crespell and red wine. You're laughing at you and your brother Salvador Runca gold as a bumblebee. Salvador! Amigo! ..
My recollection is always intense. Regards to your father!
Don Salvador Dalí-and-Cusí
Figueras January 16, 1930
Senor Don Federico García Lorca.
Salvador! I remember you always. I remember you too. It's like having a gold coin in hand and can not let go. But I do not want release. When I have to think about how ugly you are to love more.
sing a common thought that joins us in the dark and golden hours.
... our friendship painted like a game board.
I miss you. This winter we will certainly see you in the Residence. But - I do not know why - it seems to me that nothing will be the same.
Net halo sails, the green waves ...
No, "greens" will not go ...
Bitter face blue and sandy strands
semicircle sails closes the horseshoe ...
sing your sredizemskuyu clarity ...
No, "sredizemskaya clearTh "- not cross out ... ... And it is here that:
" I was enviable, and your sanity Catalan,
explanation of all individuals stubbornly ... "
D. When I read all your "Ode"? conscience in you not, your sending a drop!
Dear! I finish "Ode to Salvador Dali." I was assured that in the next issue of the "Western Review" it may be already read. This will be done, Пепин. Дали (в плане искусства) тащится далеко позади, и в этом вина Федерико!
Но важнее другое ...
породнили нас общие поиски смысла.
Д. Твои вещи мерещатся мне едва ли не в каждом углу - то рожок для обуви на полке, то чемодан у стола. Как бы я хотел увидеть во плоти - тебя самого!
Пиши мне обязательно! Каждый день или хотя бы через день.
Твоя смуглая кисть да купается в море,
населенном матросами и парусами.
Кадакес, балансир лукоморья и взгорья,
Гребни раковин в пене и лесенок ленты ...
Д. Экая ты япошка-шоколадка! ..
Л. Наша близость
, что схожа с азартной игрою ...
... фирмы "Шушар"!
Породнили нас общие поиски смысла.
Как назвать это - дружбою или дуэ
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Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Microphone Preamp Digitech Rp350 Родезия | | Из рассказов десантников Родезийской Легкой пехоты
Тони Янг (справа) помогает товарищу надеть парашют, база ВВС и учебный парашютный центр Нью-Сарум.
Тони Янг после учебного прыжка, база ВВС и учебный парашютный центр Нью-Сарум.
Рота обеспечения отрабатывает приемы перевозки миномета, совместно с 7-й (вертолетной) эскадрильей.
О том, что это за фото написано CHT
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What's The Cutest Dog Breed With mixed feelings ...
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Monday, January 24, 2011
Can Implantation Bleeding Be Sparse?
И была это аккурат середина 1980-х. Июнь. Школа. Старшие классы.
Экзамены были почти сданы (хмыкнув - назад оглядываясь, понимаешь, какие это к лешему были экзамены, так, ерунда) - был в том году такой эксперимент, как экзамены между 9-м и 10 -м классом. В ЛТО, то бишь,лечебно-трудовой отрядлагерь труда и отдыха, в котором о прошлом годе я встретил свет очеin it who you are so smart? Yes that's - Zimin nodded in my direction. Peregudov critically examined me - should be Well, he drawled, you see, Muscovite, wherein only the soul is held, and hands out of the place grow. In general, as in the movie: Jesus H. Christ! This is a new company record! If it wouldn't be such a waste of a damn-fine enlisted man I'd recommend you for OCS! You are gonna be a general someday, Gump, now disassemble your weapon and continue! (in "line" has already held by company of the third - the first permanent occupation of Ukrainians, zasovtsплощадке два смеющихся пацана в школьной форме, придерживающих мешки с характерными железками. Безопасность. Безмятежность.
Хороший был бы кадр.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
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2:22:52 Перевод: Профессиональный (многоголосый, закадровый)
Русские субтитры: нет
Режиссер: Юрай Херц
В ролях: Вольферль - Якуб Трасак / Jakub Trasak Вольфганг - Александер Лутц / Alexander Lutz мать - Хана Милитка / Hana Militká
Леопольд - Тони Бём / Toni Bohm
Констанца - Магда Рейфова / Magda Reifova
Гайдн - Франтишек Немец / Frantischek Nemez
Шиканедер - Август Шмёльцер / August Schmolze
Сальери - Борис Рёснер / Boris Rosner
Игнац БорArt for the harpsichord:
favorite ladies:
C Aloysius Weber:
With both sisters Weber (Constanta and Aloysius):
And Alexander Lutz at the monument to Mozart in the cells
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Is There A Program Like Jibjab But Free Rhodesia | | Interview with Peter Petter-Bowyer
(Note - оригинал интервью находится вот тут )
Питер Петтер-Боуйер родился в 1936 году в Солсбери, Южная Родезия (сейчас Хараре, Зимбабве). В 1957 году поступил на службу в Родезийские ВВС. В ходе "Войны за независимезийских ВВС. В интервью
, взятом по электронной почте, Питер Петтер-Боуйер рассказывает о том, что подвигло его на написание книги.
Когда вы начали писать книгу? В 1984 году я начал записывать для своей семьи разные истории из моей жизни. Но в 2000 году мои друзья, прочитав то, что я написал, убедили меня, что эти записи необходимо расширить и сделатаписи, а другие - нет.
Что для вас явилось самым сложным моментом в работе?
Все мои дневники были уничтожены, и почти всё я был вынужден писать по памяти. Я понимаю , что в каких-то деталях я могу ошибаться, и что мои воспоминания о каком-то событии могут отличаться от того, как это видят другие. Тем не менее, я знал, что по всем основнымTh?
Mostly I wrote for the Rhodesians. However, the book showed great interest in politics and historians, which I somehow did not expect.
Given that Rhodesia is no more, who are the Rhodesians? Where are they? What dream and that hope?
I assure you, quite Rhodesians themselves alive. I was born, lived and served in the Army as rodeziets. Those who cameьмена уже начертаны на стене, но негры еще не осознают, что грядет им навстречу. Настоящий расизм и угнетение для простых африканских бедняков еще впереди.
© перевод
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
One Way Cruises From Usa To Spain
Ну, и я подожду.))
Saturday, January 15, 2011
How To Use A Boat Pump Toilet
CHTMLе билетик, так же, как тогда, улыбнулся - конечно, он меня не помнил, но улыбнулся вполне искренне.
А еще я там увидела книгу Саэнса де ла Кальсады "Ла Баррака - университетский театр" и не удержалась - купила.
Slowly it was getting dark. Plucked fruit from the overhanging branches over the sidewalk boards
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, гости дорогие! ;-)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Watery,spotting Period
- both what we needed - he simply replied - making love is the only time we got to be just human.
- I know, why "I say let him just as he kissed her - but you love her and if you waste this opportunity to be happy for my never forgive you.
- When it comes to love, "at.
- How do you know that is not elected?
- just is not.
- So let you not love him?
- No - she replied flatly.
- in this case - began talking about him as he stood on his partner - me neither. - Ended seeing the eyes and starting the caresses that she knew so well. That night while
again gave their impulses vowed not to seek happiness until the other had it insured, even if that means waiting an eternity, after all the years was not something they p
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
I Want My Wedding To Be In English And In Spanish
- Well it depends on many factors - I am trying to find an explanation. - The combination of temperature and humidity, the curvature of the glass ...- Yes what nafig curvature! - Angrily snorts it. - Ecology shit, that's all the explanation. Corpses do not decompose.
(what have the corpses we do not know, but somehow all neigh).
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What Is The Song They Play At Games Oh Oh Oh И, стал быть, об этом самом ....
Опрос, вестимо. Тем паче женщины, например, как говорят такие темы любят. Пусть порадуются. У меня вот пока что интерес сугубо патологоанатомический.View Poll: # 1667006
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Cat In The Hat Birthday Rhyme
Then the kid killed in the night, as a result of birth-woods was only closer to five in the morning.Yes, New Year, as it turned out, I also slept.
In general, how to celebrate New Year, so it became to be and ...
Monday, January 3, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Contribution Wedding Sample Cards Updates ...
- Starting at Thomson Reuters
- Starting school MBA
- Continued construction of my small house in Cavite
- I voted for the first time for the Presidential Election
- Watching World Cup 2010 w /
friends - I met new friends and reunited with my old friends
- and more ...
Looking forward to 2011 - is coming midterms in a week. I have to stop sleeping, day dreaming and spacing out and start Concentrating on school.
- IOfficially am 1 year old at Thomson Reuters on January 11 and the journey still continues ...
- I'll be in Singapore on January 19-23, 2010 Anyone Who is in the area and Wants to meet up, hit me up.
- Start exercising and more coming soon ...
I wish everyone the best of 2011! See yah!