Monday, January 31, 2011

Pregnant Muscle Spasms In Stomach Too much silence ...

Снова прекрасный Филип Бергелла:

Too much silence

When Too much silence in the middle of the walls,
Punishment is my defense
Too much silence
To be sure
Whether it is love Too much silence dance

For a simple injury,
is the advancing night

How long does it take
To really know? How long does it
To forget love? How many beatings

For shots that are given
Should we be disappointed
To make a man cry?
Too much silence ...

Because another has come to the
When you think
For too
believing That love is immense
Too much silence
Because you no longer want,
is the advancing night

How does it For the time
really know? How long does it
To forget love? How many beatings

For shots that are given
Should we be disappointed
To make a man cry? How

To know nothing
When our habits
Only Hope
And what we lived,
May God forgive you
It was you who wanted,
You make a man cry

It's me,
Even if you do not recognize myself
Tu vois,
L'amour passe, il ne passe pas
pour moi et ceux qui

Avant moi ont pour une femme
Ont-ils vraiment aimé Comme je
be months larmes Et ceux qui ont

De pitié l'amour que je donne pas
N'auront merit
De voir un homme pleurer

Combien de temps faut-il
Pour le savoir vraiment?
Combien faut-il oublier jours
Pour l'amour? Combi

Pour les coups coups refusal que l'on donne
Faut-il être faire pleurer Déçu
Pour un homme? Trop
of silence ...

Слишком много молчания

Слишком долгое молчание. В эт

because there would be another,
better than I do.
When I think about it,
I understand that it was too -
believe that love is immeasurable.
too long silence,
Because you no longer wish ...
Night is approaching.

How much time,
To know for sure?
How many days,
To forget love?
How many blows I received
And how much paid?
Do disappointment,
ToMLXC loved whether they are really so,
As I shed tears?
And those who take pity
over my love,
not deserve to see,
As a man crying.

How much time,
To know for sure?
How many days,
To forget love?
How many blows I received
And how much paid?
Do disappointment,
To make a man cry?
Too much silence ...



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