Friday, October 23, 2009

Fences With Wire Underneath

nobody forces you to die
cut your wings to fly
to return your desire to live

In the tunnel of terror
everything long ago when illuminated
tied to their destination without becoming witness to your slow
walking their beats are hungry

but are submissive
and sound to his comrades
treacherous joy

closes the door or sit on your sofa and your dignity
been waiting to return

Chorus no street
your truth that nobody drowns the heart
anyone do more lying to mourn in silence

nobody forces you to die
cutting your wings to fly
thatyour desire to live again

your truth Nobody
street that no one will drown the heart
anyone do but mourn in silence Sinking

nobody forces you to die
cut your wings to fly
that your desire to live again ...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Aluminum Chlorohydrate Zirconia Difference Nessie!

I finally managed to find what I need in life ... is the most special to me in a long time past, little to actually ask me everything i gives me daily, just to see her black eyes I feel happier and I just try everything rekompensarla for me.

I feel so strange ... is so much responsibility, I feel as if something might happen and I could not stop, it's so pekeƱay vulnerable. But I do know is that this week I was very happy to be cn think both her time waiting for this moment worthwhile, she managed to fill that huekito in my heart that was empty for a long time and not sap was what I needed to fill, so now I feel so llXC




